IT’S INTERNATIONAL MEN’S Day, so we want to celebrate you, lovely men of Ireland. This is why we love you.
1. Firstly, there’s that indescribable charm
We don’t know what it is or how you do it, but you do.
2. You’re genuinely funny
Ireland is awash with professional comedians, sure, but let’s hear it for the lads who would do anything for a laugh. Love you.
3. And not afraid to be your true selves
Whatever that true self may be.
4. You’re getting serious about style
Gone are the bootcut jeans and good shoes of yore. (Well, nearly gone.) And you can’t turn right in any town in the country without seeing a daring hairstyle or a beard.
5. But no matter what you do, those beards will have a bit of ginge in them
We’re into that.
6. Pulling the piss is your god-given talent
And a flirting technique in its own right. If you’re not trying to rise us, we’re probably wondering what’s wrong with you.
7. And ye can take a slagging well, too
The mark of a great man.
8. You’re loyal to your mates
Even if someone majorly messes up, or goes AWOL for a few months, it’s all completely forgotten when they see each other again.
9. And of course, your mams
We might slag you for it sometimes, but we do respect the relationship of an Irish man and his mother.
10. And we know you’re big softies, really
And that’s what endears us to you most <3
Congrats on being the absolute best, men of Ireland.